The Actual System to Make

$10,000+ As A Content Creator

The Step-by-Step System for short-form

content creators that has generated me and my clients

hundreds of thousands of dollars without being salesy

and without needing a ton of followers.

6 Months

Hands-on Support from Dominik & his team to help you implement make money as soon as possible.

Research, Create & Launch

Your digital product / offer using my launch framework. You'll be launching within 6-10 weeks.

Limited First Ever Cohort

This is the first time ever run and we're limited to 15 participants only. Book a call to lock in our special introductory price.

The Biggest Money Myth Surrounding Social Media

(I Figured It Out The Hard Way)

I'm sure you've heard your friends or family say this one thing over and over again:

"You're a content creator? Don't you have to have millions of followers to make good money with it?"

Well, I thought so too and when I started out - wanting to become one of these newly fashionable Instagram influencers, my biggest goal was to get internet famous as possible.

I started grinding it out daily, creating awesome content, and building a pretty tight community - only for brands to offer me deals that couldn't even pay my rent.

As time went by, I had made friends in the influencer space with hundreds of thousands of followers and it didn't really seem better for them.

One day, one of them showed me his income from his latest brand deal. $3,800 for a post and 5 stories.

Might sound good to you right now, but you'll be pleasantly surprised in a second.

Long story short, I figured this fake-ass world wasn't really my thing and I wanted to make a difference. An actual monetary difference.

I was sick of having to track grocery expenses and thinking twice whether to go to the movies once a month.

So I did something, actually my gut feeling told me to do.

I quit the "influencer bubble" and started helping people and brands with their content strategy (ever since I started I had gotten requests in my DMs about that) and that's when the fun started to begin.

Long story short, at this point I played around with digital products, and I created a course, that made me over $35,000 in the first week with an audience of just 2,400 people.

My mind was absolutely blown.

The same course has since gone on to make over 7 figures. And guess what. My audience is still nowhere near to that of my influencer friend from the beginning.

Just like that my life was completely turned around.

That whole thing was years ago and I have since turned this initial period of trial-and-error into a system that has allowed me to replicate this over and over again.

Now, for the first time ever, I'm looking for 15 creators I personally help install this system into their own content strategy.

This is the very first time I'm doing a dedicated run and it'll be available for a very special investment price.

The only thing you need to do is to fill out the application and hop on a call with my community manager to see if you're a good fit.

Here are some results from some of my CreatorMentorship students I've shown parts of this system already:

Apply Now & Book Your Strategy Call Here:

Only 15 spots available for the first run:

Sales Team

Free Strategy Call - Monetization Mentorship

15 Mins

All results are real, but they're not a promise of future earnings.